Archive 27/02/2024.

3 Wardley Maps templates I’m using to talk to Generation Z Developers


_Hi, I wrote the text you can see below with 3 maps/images. But unfortunately while trying to postI was told (by the Discourse) that I’m only able to publish one image. _

Since I also have a Discourse Forum environment for my book, I’ve published the original there : (where you can see the 3 pics)

Hi, as part of the content I’m writing for my “Generation Z Developers” book (see, I have created the following 3 templates to help engaging Gen Zs (kids and young adults born after 1996) into how to start mapping their life.

A key objective with these maps is to dispel a number of myths that a lot of amazing talented people have about development / programming (namely that learning how to program multiple languages is the MOST importing skillset and they they are not good at technology or development)

The 1st one is an empty map that can be used as a template.

(pic was here)

In order to facilitate the conversations with the Gen Zs, for the evolution’s X axis, I used these values:

  • don’t know
  • used it
  • good at it
  • expert

I know that they are a bit different from the traditional Wardley maps evolution values, but these 4 work work quite well with GenZ.

Note: the ‘map’ part of the image below was generated using a lambda function (see my next post). The layout was done on Keynote

The 2nd one is where it gets interesting.

I use this map to ask Gen Zs to draw/add the topics provided in the bullet points (based on their skill, experience and knowledge).

The punch-line is that the items on the 3rd column are not the ones that matter. For example I had a number of Gen Zs that said they really didn’t like coding. But in the map, Minecrat was all the way to the right (i.e. they were experts in Minecraft).

When we expanded on how they used Minecraft, I could tell they were able to create amazing things (showing good taste, architectural concepts, planning, attention to detail, passion and creativity). Some were even able to run their own servers and run tons of commands (via Minecraft command line interface). Basically they already had all the qualities that we want to see in a good developer.

The 3rd map is a variation of the 2nd one where I ask the GenZ to plot where they are in the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) technologies and workflows described in book (note that diagram was created using PlantUml)

(pic was here)

What do you think?

Does it make sense ?