Honestly, I have no idea what could that be
. I feel like an impostor.
I do not see why not. Some points for consideration would include obvious and less obvious conflicts (f.e. regulators obligating you to know your customers and customers protecting their privacy). It is like needs together with an act of balance form requirements. Another interesting aspect is the FIST/FIRE doctrine, where there is an expectation of being Inexpensive and Restrained, which kind of implies that you want to implement only those requirements that have adequate value/cost relationship, and that very often cannot be calculated upfront, at least in the uncharted zone, so that would require including Evolution into consideration.
@john.grant that’s an uber-interesting problem, which I think I will spend some time on (and in the end, it may appear it is a dead end, and it would be better to with MoSCow without additional considerations).
I think we have talked about graph databases in the past. The arbitrary nature of components makes, and an open set of relations actually leaves us no other choice than to use a graph database.
However, Amazon does not have yet a well integrated graph database available as a service that could be also spin locally (for those people that want to keep their data behind a company firewall because of the involved